The Adventures of Clara Cosmos

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010 - Episode 1: A Planetary Plunder of Preposterous Proportions!

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[2022-11-20] #010 - Episode #1: A Planetary Plunder of Preposterous Proportions!

The Blurb
Oh no!  Here we go! Clara's in for some serious excitement now!  Can she handle it, though?
You'll just have to stay tuned to find out!
Took a bit to work around back to this but I think this is one of my favorite Clara images I've ever done!
It's just such an exciting piece and I think as I work on Clara, the strips will get a little less daunting!
We can only hope that things will speed up heading towards the new year!  I want to share new and
fantastical outer space adventures with you all, you know!

Oh, we've got an actual domain now!  Check it out!  Pretty cool, huh?
Pretty soon we'll have site graphics and everything!
I can't wait!

All content © Fox Saliant Studios, 2016-2022, Unless Otherwise Specified