The Adventures of Clara Cosmos

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009 - The Push Of A Button

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[2022-09-18] #009 - The Push Of A Button

The Blurb
So ominous!  So terrifying!  What will it do, I wonder?
Huzzuh!  My fundraiser backlog is completed (after a year of work) and I'm back onto my normal work backlog!
I've also been feeling much more productive since I got my dentures in, so I'm very excited to be working
on things again!  It's a very lively time over here!  Hopefully this means my projects will proceed at a much
better pace.  I'll be posting these up whenever I get them done, rather than waiting for a week or whatnot.

I'm hype and I want you to see them, so we can hopefully expect more to come soon!
Thanks for your patience, once again~!

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