The Adventures of Clara Cosmos

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016 - Packing the Essentials

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[2024-02-18] #016 - Packing the Essentials

The Blurb
Gotta move!  Get everything you need, Clara!  You can't afford to doddle!
As you might have guessed, I didn't make the last couple of weeks because I fell rather ill for about two weeks and was unable
to really do much in the way of arting for at least a week.  Perhaps running two comics once a week was a bit more than
I could handle at the moment, so I'm going to do my best to get a comic update out once a week, one way or another,
whether or not I have to alternate or what, at least until my other obligations are finished.

I apologize for the hiccup once again.  I guess when you shoot for the stars, you're bound to fall short now and again.  But that
doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying!

See you next comic!
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